Rules & Regulations

  • The college gives utmost priority for discipline and every one, student or staff, is bound to follow the rules and regulations of the college and maintain strict discipline.
  • Students shall behave with dignity and courtesy inside and outside the college premises.
  • All students should reach the classroom on time and shall not leave the class without the permission of the faculty.
  • Ragging, consuming alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited in the hostel and college campus.
  • Students are not permitted to possess or use Mobile Phones inside the college campus.
  • Students should wear identity cards inside the campus and also when attending any meetings outside the campus. Boys and Girls should wear white coat in the campus. ID Cards are to be worn round the neck and this drill is compulsory. Any violation of these orders will lead to disciplinary action.
  • Students shall observe strict modesty in college uniform. Both boys and girls must not wear T-shirt and tight fit wears. For girls without sleeve shirt and T-shirt, Tight fit laggies and other wears are strictly banned.
  • Browsing is not allowed during lab hours. Staff and students are not allowed to misuse the internet facilities.
  • No one will be allowed to listen to Music from any device inside the college campus.
  • Students shall not entertain visitors without prior permission in the campus.
  • Spitting, smoking and throwing bits of paper inside the institute campus are harmful and must be avoided. Refrain from possessing, consuming or distributing alcohol, harmful drugs, narcotics, ghutkas, chewing gums and smoking cigarettes. Any violation of these orders will lead to disciplinary action.
  • Students are not allowed to exchange greeting cards, photographs, gift articles or letters, with Students of opposite sex.
  • No function shall be arranged by the students in the hostel or college campus without prior permission from the principal.
  • Writing on walls, pillars, bath rooms, and furniture or black boards is strictly prohibited.
  • Eating snacks / taking lunch inside the class rooms or along corridors are not permitted.
  • Do not possess fire crackers of any kind in the hostel and college campus.
  • Do not smear colored powder and splash color water in the guise of festivals and functions on or during any other occasion in the hostel or college campus.
  • Students are advised to switch off fans and lights when they leave the class rooms.
  • Furniture in the class rooms should not be moved or displaced.
  • No one will be allowed to whistle, hoot, shout or sing aloud while travelling in the bus. They are also not allowed to throw papers or other articles while travelling.
  • Students are forbidden from entering the institute office during unspecified hours.
  • Students are advised not to harm the reputation of the institute or individual (fellow students and institute staff) through social and electronic media.
  • Respect the institute property. Destroying or damaging the institute property is punishable. Students should not destroy/ damage/ deface, remove the institute property, disturb or injure a person under the pretext of celebrating/inducting/pledging or for any other reason like rivalry etc. The cost of any damage so caused will be recovered from the students collectively if the responsibility for it cannot be fixed on any individual or group of individuals.
  • Students are not allowed to convene any kind of meeting in the campus or any sort of fund collected without the permission of the Chairman / Principal or to circulate/display any kind of notice among students or on black boards or on notice board without the written permission of the Chairman / Principal. No information or report should be sent to press or board-casting agencies and placement companies without the permission and approval of the Chairman / Principal.
  • Do not be a part of any union or group or organization. Any move to form unions or groups of any type unauthorized by the Management and the Principal is an offense. Students are strictly forbidden from engaging themselves in any political or other activities. Gathering in groups at roads, entrance, exit, pathways, gardens etc, is strictly prohibited.
  • Students shall not indulge in any kind of misdemeanor bringing opprobrium to the institution.
  • Inform the college of any changes in personal details or address.
  • This, being an eco–friendly campus, plastic or other trash should not be thrown inside the college or in the premises.
  • Students shall communicate only in English language among themselves and with the faculty members. This is a conscious effort to improve the English communication skill of students.
  • Students shall keep themselves informed of the instructions issued to them from time to time orally or through notices/ circulars and emails.
  • Students are expected to contribute towards the academic/social/environmental initiatives that the Institute may undertake.


  • Faculty members shall take attendance at the beginning of each period
  • A student who is not in the class room when the attendance is taken shall be marked absent.
  • Student attendance will be computed at the end of every month and indicated in the progress report and also put up on the notice board.

A minimum of 80% attendance is required for both theory and practical to appear for the semester end examinations. Students who do not have the minimum attendance will not be allowed to appear for the semester end examinations.


  • Students should attend the classes regularly.
  • However, leave of absence for valid reasons only will have to be obtained from the Class Counselor in advance. In case of sickness, a medical certificate should accompany the leave application that is submitted upon return from illness.
  • Attendance shall be calculated on the basis of periods i.e. in terms of the lecture or lab periods attended.

Attendance for the examinations and class tests is compulsory. Absence from the tests will affect the Sessional marks awarded as internal assessment by the staff members concerned.

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