ATMS College

About ATMS College

Parmarth Educational Trust (Regd.) is not for profit NGO with the aim to promote technical education and skill training for the youth of India. Trust was created by Sh. Narendra Kumar Agarwal, a renowned philanthropist, to promote and undertake socially beneficial activities for to uplift and to engage in socially beneficial activities in general.

ATMS College


Personality Development


Learning Resources & Computer Centres


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Available For You
  • To establish, develop and manage schools, colleges for Engineering, Technical, Management, other professional and vocational courses.
  • To establish, develop and manage hospitals, medical schools, pre-medical / medical colleges, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes and child & women welfare centers for the benefit and use of the general public.
  • To establish, run and support schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, universities, laboratories, research and other teaching & law institutions of the like nature in India, for use of the students, the staff and also for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge amongst the public in general.
  • To educate and spread awareness amongst the general public using the various methods of media, i.e. films, visuals, advertisements, etc and such other forms of media as may be discovered.
  • To establish, maintain and run studentship, scholarships and render other kind of aid to students including supply of books, stipends, medals and other incentives to study, without any distinction as to caste, color, race, creed or sex.
  • To promote, establish, support and maintain institution for the promotion of science, literature, crafts, handlooms & handicraft, music, drama and fine arts.
  • To establish and develop institutions for the physically handicapped and disabled or mentally challenged persons and to provide them education, food, clothing or other help.
  • To take over the control of other educational institutions in the branches of Engineering, Technical, Management, Medical Science and other professional Vocational education.
  • To open, found, establish, promote, setup, run maintain, assist, finance, support and / or aid or help in the setting up and / or running boarding houses, libraries, reading rooms, vocational institutes, hospitals, medical and educational research centers. To establish, maintain and run boarding houses, boarding schools and residential accommodations for students and those who are connected with the institutions of the Trust.
  • To pay, out of Trust funds, such sum as may be commensurate with its income, by way of scholarships, stipends, prizes, rewards allowances and a view to help them in pursuing their studies in Engineering, Technical, Management, Medical and other professional education or for research or education work in India or abroad, as may be decided by the Trustee.
  • To open found, establish, acquire, promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid or help in the setting up and/or maintaining and/or running by monetary support or otherwise community Centers, Auditoriums, Sports Complex, Stadiums, Playground and part and other social welfare works and / or activities for public use.
  • To organize seminars, symposia and the like for intellectual stimulation and spreading message of the Contemporary thinkers, philosophers, social workers, scientists & economists and for discussion and critical analysis of topics of public importance.
  • To publish pamphlets, periodicals, wall papers and the like for advancement of medical, technical management and other professional education.
  • To accept any donations ,gifts or other transfers to the trust of any immovable or movable properties or other assets which would assist in the implementation of or the furtherance of any of the objects and purposes of the trust or carrying out any objects or purposes.
  • To undertake , sponsor, establish, execute any trusts, society ,institutions, foundations, endowments and/or funds that may be inducive to any or all the objects of the trust.
  • To subscribe, contribute and/or donate to any public fund or institution established for promotion of charitable purpose with such conditions as the Trustees think fit.
  • To apply the funds of the trust for the advancement of any other object of general public utility.
  • That the Trust shall carry on such other charitable and social welfare activities as may be decided by the Board of Trustees from time to time.


8 +


1000 +


450 +

Students Places

75 +


3500 +

Alumni Base

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